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About our Webinars

Are you considering weight loss surgery as an option for you? We regularly present webinars about weight loss surgery for potential patients. Register below to be informed about our next webinar.


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Your Presenters

  • Dr Sheryn Cheah, Bariatric Surgeon

    Sheryn completed her medical degree at Monash University in 2006, working at the Alfred Hospital as a junior doctor; and obtained her Fellowship in General Surgery through Eastern Health. Subsequently she has commenced a Masters of Surgery, completed ANZGOSA training in Upper GI Surgery, and undertaken a Bariatric Fellowship at Box Hill Hospital.

    Sheryn will speak about the types of surgeries we offer, the potential benefits and how to decide which is right for you.

  • Cassie Stuchbery, Bariatric Dietitian

    Cassie is a people-focused dietitian with a Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics from Monash University. She has a passion for helping people get the best possible outcomes from their surgery. Cassie’s goal is to provide patients with tailored nutrition advice and motivation so that they can stop “dieting” and enjoy a happy, healthy lifestyle.

    Cassie will discuss the lifestyle changes required after surgery so that you can know what your future could look like after surgery.