Obesity left untreated can cause serious health problems over time. You can take action today. Discover your options.
Most of our patients have fought excess weight for years before their bariatric surgery operation.
Surgery gives patients the ability to lose weight in a way they couldn’t before, so we offer a long term follow up program to make sure they stay on track and get the most out of surgery.
Your journey starts with an initial consultation with one of our experienced surgeons. You will need a GP referral for this appointment.
Your operation has now given you the ability to control your weight in a way you never could before.
However, your operation is just the beginning of the journey of long-term success in controlling your weight.
In the first year after operation we have a specific program in which you will be seen by your surgeon, nurse and dietitian for multiple appointments.
We will be supervising your weight loss and issuing guidance and help during this time. It is vital that you attend all your appointments and particularly all your dietitian appointments.
At 12 months (6 months for bypass patients) from your surgery you will see one of our physicians with results of your blood tests who will advise you on any medical problems or vitamin deficiencies and arrange to treat these if necessary.
Thereafter we will call for you every year and offer blood tests and an appointment with one of our physicians to check your overall health and well-being.
Our dietitian is available to provide advice with food choices, motivation and behavioural change. She is also able to give dietary advice for conditions such as diabetes, bowel problems and heart disease.
As part of our multi-disciplinary approach, our psychologist is someone who you will see prior to your procedure. She will discuss with you the strategies to help with some of the many changes you may experience with having a weight loss procedure. She is also available for ongoing consults if needed.
Our physiotherapist is here to help address any barriers to physical activity that you might experience and work in collaboration with you following your weight loss procedure to devise a program which is tailored for you and you are confident with.
Calculating your body mass index (BMI) is one way of working out whether the weight range you fall into makes you a candidate for weight loss surgery.
By using the BMI calculator you can find out if you are a candidate for surgery and will be provided with a price estimate.
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