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At LapSurgery Australia we offer you the support you need to succeed in reaching your goal.

Most of our patients have fought excess weight for years before their bariatric surgery operation.

Surgery gives patients the ability to lose weight in a way they couldn’t before, so we offer a long term follow up program to make sure they stay on track and get the most out of surgery.

Your initial consultation

Your journey starts with an initial consultation with one of our experienced surgeons. You will need a GP referral for this appointment.

The weeks before surgery

  • 4-6 weeks prior – your pre-operative assessment with Specialist Physician
  • 2-4 weeks prior – a consultation with our specialist bariatric dietitian
  • 2-4 weeks prior – a consultation with our specialist bariatric psychologist
  • 1 week prior – a consultation with the pre-admission nurse of the hospital
  • 1 week prior – a final consultation with your surgeon


Your operation has now given you the ability to control your weight in a way you never could before.

However, your operation is just the beginning of the journey of long-term success in controlling your weight.

Support in the first year

In the first year after operation we have a specific program in which you will be seen by your surgeon, nurse and dietitian for multiple appointments.

We will be supervising your weight loss and issuing guidance and help during this time. It is vital that you attend all your appointments and particularly all your dietitian appointments.

  • 7-10 days post op – Post-operative appointment with LapSurgery Australia’s Nurse
  • 2-3 weeks post op – Consultation with Dietitian
  • 5-6 weeks post op – Surgeon review
  • 2.5 months post op – Consultation with Dietitian and Exercise Professional
  • 4-5 months post op – Surgeon review
  • 6 months post op (for gastric bypass) – Specialist Physician review with comprehensive blood test
  • 6.5 months post op – Consultation with Dietitian
  • 12 months post op – Specialist Physician review with comprehensive blood test

After the first year

At 12 months (6 months for bypass patients) from your surgery you will see one of our physicians with results of your blood tests who will advise you on any medical problems or vitamin deficiencies and arrange to treat these if necessary.

Thereafter we will call for you every year and offer blood tests and an appointment with one of our physicians to check your overall health and well-being.

Our support team are there to support you at all times throughout your journey.


Our dietitian is available to provide advice with food choices, motivation and behavioural change. She is also able to give dietary advice for conditions such as diabetes, bowel problems and heart disease.


As part of our multi-disciplinary approach, our psychologist is someone who you will see prior to your procedure. She will discuss with you the strategies to help with some of the many changes you may experience with having a weight loss procedure. She is also available for ongoing consults if needed.


Our physiotherapist is here to help address any barriers to physical activity that you might experience and work in collaboration with you following your weight loss procedure to devise a program which is tailored for you and you are confident with.

Long Term Weight Loss Surgery Tips

  • The 6 habits of people with successful long-term weight loss after surgery
    Understanding your disease

    It is important to remember that we have not cured the disease which, in most people, is at least partly genetic. Your operation doesn’t change your genes. Understanding that you have a chronic disease is vital to your long-term success.

    Food choices

    It goes without saying that the guidelines we give you for your long-term diet need to be followed. Excess carbohydrates are one of the most common causes of weight gain where this does occur.

    Supplements and blood tests

    It is important for your long term health to continue recommended supplements indefinitely. Significant problems can occur without supplements including bone weakening and serious depletion of vitamins and iron. You should attend as advised for blood tests and review either by a LapSurgery physician or your regular General Practitioner.

    Physical Activity

    Physical activity is also vital to long-term success. Studies have shown that overall physical activity correlates very well with long-term success. You may choose to perform regular workouts in the gym, but the studies show good correlation with general physical activity as measured by a step count. Unless you have significant physical problems, you should be aiming for around 10,000 steps on four or five days of the week. If you have a sedentary job it means that you need to get out and do a reasonable brisk walk, especially on weekends.

    Regular weighing

    If you have high blood pressure you need to check your blood pressure regularly. It is the same with your weight. You should be weighing yourself at least once every two weeks. If you put on a kilogram or two you need to work at it straight away. It’s usually reasonably easy to drop one or two kilograms but if you start gaining weight, and put off treating it, you may gain more than four or five kilograms which becomes more and more difficult to manage. So, weigh yourself regularly and act quickly if there is any weight gain.

    Visiting your family doctor

    It is essential that you find a regular General Practitioner and visit them at least three times a year. When you visit your General Practitioner, you should ask to be weighed and discuss the ongoing management of your weight. Your General Practitioner should be your partner in achieving your long-term goals.

  • Managing weight gain

    Obesity is a chronic disease and sometimes, despite your very best efforts, the weight starts going up. The key to stopping this from getting out of hand is to get back to us by making an appointment to see your surgeon as soon as you feel your weight is out of control.

    Do not feel embarrassed and do not wait to seek our help – we understand.

    We can help. The cause of weight gain after surgery is rarely due to a single factor. The reasons are nearly always complex and can be related to all sorts of issues which may be; psychological, related to food cravings, excess alcohol consumption and in rare instances there may be something wrong with your operation. We have a formal weight management clinic where we fully assess all factors related to the weight gain and help you to overcome these. Sometimes it’s a simple matter of altering the diet, at other times problems such as food cravings or excess alcohol consumption may need the help of our psychologist.

    We now have a new generation of drugs which have come out in the last few years which can be extremely effective in getting your weight back under control.

    We wish you the very best for the future and we are always ready to provide help if you need it.

Are you a candidate?

Calculating your body mass index (BMI) is one way of working out whether the weight range you fall into makes you a candidate for weight loss surgery.

By using the BMI calculator you can find out if you are a candidate for surgery and will be provided with a price estimate.

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